ICT4D Blog

ICTlogy goes pagerank 5: did I miss something!?

Since last Google pagerank update this page has reached pagerank 5, which has quite amazed me:

So, how did I get to pagerank 5!?

The only reasons I find are:

Now that I’m using PowerPhlogger to manage my site visits/logs I see funny things such as being listed #2 in Google searching the string “kinds of freedom”, which should be coped by GNU/Linux pages.

I like to see people bumping into my page searching for “opensource ware” or “opensource lms” but it’s more surprising to find me through “mit opencourse”. The most surprising yet came last Wednesday: somebody got here through “opencourseware berklee”: fun, Berklee itself did not appear in none of the 40 results listed by Google.

So, what’s going on out there with Google? :O


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