ICTs. Information and Communication Technologies for the Poor


Torero, M. & von Braun, J. (2005). ICTs. Information and Communication Technologies for the Poor. IFPRI Issue Brief 40. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Retrieved May 20, 2006 from http://www.ifpri.org/pubs/ib/ib40.pdf

Work data:

Type of work: Report


ICT4D | Information Society


This brief is based on the following topics and case studies from Information and Communication Technologies for Development and Poverty Reduction: The Potential of Telecommunications, ed. Maximo Torero and Joachim von Braun (Johns Hopkins University Press and IFPRI, 2006):
1. Institutional aspects of ICTs: Bangladesh, China, Ghana, Laos, and Peru
2. Economic effects of ICTs at firmlevels: India, Kenya, Laos, and Tanzania
3. Impacts of ICTs in low-income households: Bangladesh, China, Ghana, Laos, and Peru
4. ICTs for pro-poor provision of public goods and services