Study of the readiness of Member States for a common pan-European network infrastructure for public services


Work data:

Type of work: Report


e-Government & e-Administration


The study assesses the maturity of EU Member States in building common nationwide network infrastructures for public services and focuses on country-specific situations and challenges. The report presents the key findings on countries’ overall readiness for creating synergies at a national and eventually a European level. This is analysed based on their current state of play and the challenges that lie ahead from a political, economic, technical and organisational perspective. The report expands, in addition, on how to create synergies and presents four different case studies from across Europe. These case studies explain how synergies have been created between the network infrastructures of various actors including National Research and Education Networks. The report covers inter alia the governance, financing and types of network. Moreover, it addresses the main drivers, barriers and success factors in creating these kinds of synergies between network infrastructures. The study will contribute to creating the basis for connecting networks at European level through a set of recommendations.