Prensky, Marc

Works: 5 references

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Prensky, M. (2008). “Turning On the Lights”. In Educational Leadership, 65 (6), 40-45. Alexandria: ASCD.
Prensky, M. (2005). “Engage Me or Enrage Me. What Today’s Learners Demand”. In Educause Review, September-October 2005, 40 (5), 60-65. Boulder: Educause Review. Retrieved August 22, 2007 from
Prensky, M. (2001). “Do They Really Think Differently?”. In On the Horizon, December 2001, 9 (6). Lincoln: NCB University Press.
Prensky, M. (2001). “Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants”. In On the Horizon, October 2001, 9 (5). Lincoln: NCB University Press.